360 Reviews are integral to creating a strong understanding of a team's strengths, and at Kepler + Co, we have made creating and completing these assessments easy.
Step 1: Navigate to ‘Assessment Management’ in the side panel, and click on ‘Assessments Wizard’ to start creating the assessment.
Step 2: Click on 'Create' in Peer Endorsement.
Step 3: Choose the name of the name of the assessment and the number of Kepler Points.
The number of Kepler Points dictates the maximum number of Kepler Points users can get for an assessment.
Step 4: Choose what type of peer endorsement you'd like:
Self-assessment - if you want learners to be able to assess their own skills
Manager assessment - if the manager needs to assess the learners
Peer assessment - if all learners in the assessment need to assess each other
You can also do a combination of all three types of assessments
Step 4: You can choose to force the assessment, or make it optional. If assessments are compulsory, then users will be served the assessment as soon as they log in. If they are optional, then users will be able to see the assessments on their assessments page, and complete them in their own time.
Step 5: Click on 'Next' at the bottom of the screen.
Step 6: Choose which users you'd like to assign the assessment to.
Step 6: You can click on a user's name to assign skills to that user.
Step 7: Choose the manager for assessment by clicking in the checkbox, and choose the skills that particular user will be assessed on in that assessment. Remove skills by clicking on them again. The users in the assessment don't all have to have the same skills. Skills will be assigned to users based on their roles.
Step 8: Confirm the users in the assessment. Click on 'Next' to continue.
Step 9: Add or create a tag, and click on 'Done'. When you're happy, you can save it as a draft, or activate it immediately.
Step 10: If you have saved an assessment as a draft, you can activate (and edit) the assessment by clicking on the spillover menu, and selecting 'Activate assessment'.