Knowledge base

Getting Started
Learn the essentials to quickly navigate and leverage the application effectively. This section will guide you through the foundational steps to ensure you get the most out of your experience.
Setting Up Your Company
A comprehensive guide to configuring your company profile, adding employees, and organising your departments. Set up your organisational structure seamlessly to reflect your business.
Managing Competency Frameworks
Discover how to build and maintain competency frameworks, define company roles, and identify the skills your organisation needs to thrive.
Managing Assessments
Learn how to create reliable and insightful assessments that provide actionable data to drive informed decision-making.
Managing Learning
Streamline professional development by assigning tailored learning materials and integrating your Learning Management System (LMS) for a seamless experience.
Understanding Analytics
Unlock the power of your data with detailed guidance on analytics. Explore everything you need to know to gain actionable insights and make data-driven decisions.

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