Date posted:
February 7, 2025

How do I map Content/Courses?

Course Mapping allows you to assign learning content to employees based on their skills, roles, departments, or languages. You can lock the learning order, map content to specific skill levels, and refine assignments. Once mapped, courses appear in employees' Learning Journeys.

Guiding your employees to be the best versions of themselves includes providing them with learning content that helps them fill their gaps in the most effective way. Here's a quick rundown of how to map content to learners on the Kepler + Co platform.
Step 1: Navigate to 'Course mapping' in your side nav under 'Learning Management', and search for the course you want to map. Click on the spillover menu (three dots) on the right-hand side to open the dropdown menu, and click on 'Create Mapping' to open the focus panel.
*Note: The same steps apply when you edit a mapping, which can happen anytime.
Step 2: Choose whether you would like to lock the learning order. Locking the order means that users have to complete the content in the order it is presented to them, while not locking it means that users can work their way through the content in any order they'd like to.
Step 3: Search for the skill you want to map to the course, and select the correct skill once the list opens. If you'd like to remove a skill you've selected, click on the skill name again.
Step 4: You can also map certain content to specific skill levels. If you want to map learning to everyone with the skill, choose every skill level in the list, or you can leave this list blank. To delete a skill level, click on the tickbox again.
Step 5: If you want to refine the course mapping further, you can choose to map to roles, departments, teams, and languages. Choosing roles, departments, teams, or languages means that content will be assigned to users with a specific skill, but only in those teams or departments, or who use the language you have selected. If you don't refine it by choosing additional 'filters', then the content will be mapped to all users with that skill.
Step 6: Click 'Submit' to finalise your content mapping.
Step 7: To edit any content mapping, search for the mapping, click the spillover menu, and click 'Edit mapping'.
Step 8: You can add or remove skills, departments, or roles. If all items have been removed, the mapping will also be removed.
Once you have mapped courses to skills, your employees will see these courses on their Learning Journeys.
Happy learning!

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