Date posted:
January 27, 2025

How do I archive and unarchive Learners' Profiles?

Archiving users helps admin users manage the platform by keeping the system organized and running efficiently. When learners leave the company or no longer need access, archiving removes their active profiles without losing any data. This ensures their past activity is retained and easily retrievable if needed.

When learners leave your company, or when they no longer need to engage with the platform, you can easily archive them in order to manage space, improve system performance, and reduce clutter in the database. Archiving also help keep track of any activity that users have used the platform for, and allows for permanent access to the information should it ever be required. If you archive users, their data is always there and is easily retrievable.
Step 1: Click spillover menu on the user you'd like to archive, and click on 'Archive'.
Step 2: When the confirmation modal pops up, click on 'Yes, archive' if you're sure that you want to archive the user. It's that easy!
Step 3: The learner's status will change from 'Account active' to 'Archived'.
Step 4: To unarchive, follow the steps above, but click 'Unarchive' instead. This will update the learner's profile immediately.
Step 5: You can archive users in bulk by selecting users, going to 'Bulk actions', and clicking' Archve selected'.
Step 6: To see a list of all archived users, click on 'Filters' to open the focus panel.
Step 7: Click on 'Status' and choose 'Archived'.
Step 8: You'll see a list of archived users.
Step 9: You can also unarchive users in bulk.

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