Date posted:
February 7, 2025

How do I capture a Reflection?

Capture reflections on your completed learning to reinforce knowledge and provide valuable feedback.

The Kepler + Co platform has been developed so that you can capture reflections for all of the content you have completed. Not only does this provide us with valuable feedback, but it can also encourage you to think about the content and remind yourself of what you have learned.
Step 1: Navigate to 'Learning Journey > Capture reflections' in your side menu.
Step 2: You'll see a list of content that you have completed. Select the content you want to reflect on (content with no reflections will be listed under 'Pending', and click 'Capture Reflection'. A focus panel will open, and you can capture your reflection here. It includes: how well this content met your learning needs, a description, and if you have been able to apply what you have learned in your workplace.
Step 3: Once you have completed your reflection, click 'Save Reflection'.
Step 4: You will get taken back to your list of learning, but your reflection will now be listed under 'Complete', with the date that you completed it.
Note: For Additional Learning, you will have the option to capture a Reflection immediately, or to complete it later.

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