Completing your behavioural assessment provides you with an understanding of your proficiencies in your soft skills, which are as important, if not more important, than technical skills.
Step 1: Once you've completed your onboarding, you'll be served your behavioral skills assessment, and you can click on 'Behavioural skills analysis'.
Step 2: Once you have read the guidelines, click on 'Got it, thanks'.
Step 3: You'll see the list of assessments that have been assigned to you on the right. Choose which assessment you'd like to start with.
Step 4: For each question, choose the answer that fits most accurately how you would behave in that scenario. We aren't testing 'right or wrong' - we want to get a better understanding of your skills proficiency. Click on 'Save & Continue' to save your answers.
While you are answering questions in a specific skill, you can change your answers. But once all answers in a skill have been submitted, you won't be able to change your answers.
Step 5: If you have multiple assessments, any completed assessments will be marked as 'Completed', and you will be able to continue with other unfinished assessments.
Step 6: Once you have completed all your assessments, you will be taken to your skills report page, and this is where the rest of your journey begins.