Date posted:
February 7, 2025

How do I send Activation Emails?

Admins can send activation emails to users whose status shows 'Invite Pending'. Invitations can be sent individually or in bulk. Once sent, the status changes to 'Activation Required', meaning users need to activate their accounts via the email link.

On the Kepler Platform, you can send out individual emails, bulk emails, or emails as soon as you have completed the bulk upload process.
Step 1: Once you have added users, you'll see that their status is 'Invite Pending', which means that their email invitations haven't yet been sent to them. You will also see a red dot next to their name.
Step 2: Click on the three dots to open the menu, and select 'Send Activation Invitation'.
Step 3: If you'd like to send the emails in bulk, you can select the users you'd like to send the emails to. The 'Bulk Actions' button is now clickable.
Step 4: Click on 'Bulk Actions' to show the dropdown, and click on 'Send Activation Invitation(s)'.
Step 5: Once their invitations have been sent, their status will change from 'Invite pending' to 'Activation required', which means that the users will have to click on the activation link in the email that they receive.
Step 6: You can also send activation emails to users directly after a bulk upload.
Step 7: Select individual users, or select all users by clicking on 'Select all'.
Step 8: Click on 'Send' to send the emails to the relevant users. 
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